Beginner rider? dont worry, we have all been there - you got this
Just starting out? Nervous or just downright scared? Its ok, we have all been there. When I started I was terrified, I didnt think I would ever be able to get it, but practice, practice and practice some more.
So a few tips:
- Breathe. All of your senses will be heightened, your heart will be beating faster, but you need to remember to breathe – you got this!
- Eyes in front. You will go where your head turns – really. when you are moving your bike slowly keep your eyes up, if you are riding, look where you want to go.
- ATGATT= all the gear all the time. Ok, so now, if its super hot I will leave my jacket behind if only going up the road, but while you are learing, for at least the first year, weare all the gear.
- Go at your own speed. Dont be tempted to try to catch up to other riders, or feel pressured to speed up. You go at the speed you are comfortable with and dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
- Ask questions. Ask those around you to give you tips and critique your riding.
- If you have someone who is not high pressure, who will be patient with you and can go riding with you then this is a massive help. My partner was incredibly patient with me FOR YEARS! Yes, years. It took me a few years before my panic settled down and I was able to ride at more than a crawl, its ok, you go at your own pace.
- Keep smiling ! After all, this is supposed to be fun! And don’t worry, one day, it will all come together and you will wonder what you were ever worried about.
- This tip is for EVERYONE. Do courses. Every course you can. They will teach you so much.