Some of my favourite rides in Australia

Get out and do it!

Brisbane to Kosciosko and back via Putty Road, Thunderbolts and the awesome Oxley Hwy.

Walcha first day
2nd day thunderbolts way glouster via to singleton to sandy hollow to bylong valley way to Bathurst to tumbarumba via Gundagai and tumut
Tamworth Musselbrook Bylong Valley to Bathurst to Tumba to Cooma
From Tumbaarumba to Bombala via Kosciusko
Lithgow to Cowra, Young, Wagga Wagga to Cooma
Come back through Lithgow and Putty Road to Singleton to Glouster pick up Thunderbolts Way to Walcha.
Walcha to Port Macquarie is the Oxley highway 🙂
Go to Grafton to Casino

My Number one ride...

Orbost to Cooma
Boonang hway 2000 corners…….

The Gillies Ranges, Cairns

Talk about take your breath away riding – this is it! 

Brisbane to walcha, bathurst, goulburn, windsor.....

Brisbane to Walcha via casino Tenterfield then Bathurst via Bylong way, ride around Mount Panorama, through Junee to Finley, then to Wentworth via the highway from hell, then to Swan Reach ferry to Tanunda. Ride to Lobethal via the corkscrew then Harndorf via Norton Summit Road. Whispering wall. Left Tanunda to Victor Harbour, to Robe, Port Cambell, to Leongatha to mount Hotham to Bright, to Mount Beauty Cabramurra Tumbarumba , Yatlow to Gundagai, to Yass, Goulburn Oberon via Blue Mountains Lithgow Windsor via Batlow road to Courabyra to Willigobung to Laurel Hill to Kinsman to Cooleys Creek to Sandy Gully to Tumbarumba to Gundagai
M31 to Yass
Yass to Goulburn
Goulburn to Lithgow
Lithgow to Windsor
Windsor to Singleton on Putty Road.

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